Have the convenience of both Philippine Peso and US Dollar accounts in one card, where your local transactions will be billed in Philippine Peso and international transactions in currencies other than the Philippine Peso. Thus, you have the option to pay the exact amount in US$ or inquire for the prevailing exchange rate when you opt to pay in Philippine Peso.
You can push your Peso Points to your BDO Rewards card and shop using your points directly at any SM Retail Store. Or, convert your Peso Points to Cash Credit and pay your credit card balance or use as extra funds for more shopping!
Earn one (1) Peso Point for every P1,000 qualified spend on your BDO Credit Card, where one (1) Peso Point is equal to P1.00.
Your card comes with a comprehensive Travel Insurance Coverage that lets you explore the world without any worries. Just charge your travel expenses (airline tickets and other means of public transport) to your BDO Gold UnionPay Credit Card everytime you travel and get Insurance Coverage
Earn one (1) Peso Point for every P1,000 qualified spend on your BDO Credit Card, where one (1) Peso Point is equal to P1.00.
• Travel Accident and Dismemberment Insurance of up to Php5 Million
• Flight Reroute (over 12 hours delay or cancellation) coverage of up to Php50,000
• Loss/Damage to Baggage of up to Php30,000
• Medical Expense Reimbursement coverage of up to Php5,000
• Flight Delay/Baggage Delay coverage of up to Php1,250 per 6 hours, maximum of 8 payments
• Travel Accident and Dismemberment Insurance with coverage of up to Php20 Million
• Medical Expense Reimbursement coverage of up to Php1.5 Million
• Trip termination/cancellation and loss of travel documents coverage of up to Php200,000
• Loss/Damage to Baggage coverage of up to Php80,000
• Flight Delay/Baggage Delay coverage of up to Php3,000 per 6 hours, maximum of Php24,000
• First supplementary card is free for life.
• Principal cardholder and the succeeding four (4) supplementary cardholders enjoy free membership for the first three (3) years.
• Your annual membership fee is waived for the first three (3) years.Succeeding annual membership fees will also be automatically waived when you reach the required spend per year: Php600,000 per year
• With your BDO Diamond UnionPay Credit Card, you can apply for up to six (6) supplementary credit cards, all for free.
BDO UnionPay Gold:https://www.bdo.com.ph/personal/credit-cards/unionpay/bdo-unionpay-gold
BDO UnionPay Diamond: https://www.bdo.com.ph/personal/diamond-unionpay
BDO UnionPay Gold :https://www.clg.bdo.com.ph/en/web/clg/credit-card-online-app-form?cardtype=upgold&cardbrand=UNIONPAY
BDO UnionPay Diamond : https://www.clg.bdo.com.ph/en/web/clg/credit-card-online-app-form?cardtype=updiamond&cardbrand=UNIONPAY