斯里兰卡Daily News网站:斯里兰卡哈顿国家银行开通 银联电商交易受理服务

斯里兰卡Daily News网站近日报道称,斯里兰卡哈顿国家银行(HNB)与银联国际合作,开通银联在线支付受理服务。该合作为HNB旗下商家提供了开拓新的多元化客户群的重要机会,从而扩大该银行市场占有率。借助HNB银行尖端的支付网关服务,可确保全面满足这些商户的技术要求,从而促进银联交易无障碍处理。


In alignment with its strategic roadmap and unwavering commitment to advancing customer experiences while bolstering payment acceptance capabilities in the market, HNB PLC, is delighted to announce the successful launch of UnionPay International (UPI) acceptance for e-commerce transactions.

This strategic collaboration is particularly timely, given the burgeoning growth within the tourism sector and the expansive card base of UnionPay.

The resultant partnership not only marks a significant milestone but also presents a substantial opportunity for HNB merchants to tap into a new and diverse customer base, thereby augmenting the bank’s market presence. Enhanced by the bank’s cutting-edge payment gateway services, this initiative ensures those merchants’ technical requirements are comprehensively met, facilitating the seamless processing of UPI transactions. This strategic move underscores HNB’s continuous commitment to innovation, customer-centricity, and its positioning as a leader in the evolving landscape of financial services.

HNB Deputy General Manager – Retail Banking Group, Sanjay Wijemanne, said, “HNB always strives to remain steadfast in its commitment to enhancing business organizations through innovative and diverse modes of payment acceptance. The successful launch of e-commerce UnionPay International transactions, complemented by the bank’s technologically sophisticated tools, signifies a strategic step towards realizing the bank’s vision within this competitive market landscape.”

Head of UnionPay International South Asia Hu Binghan said, “The successful collaboration between HNB and UnionPay International (UPI) highlighted the effective provision of acquiring services across all HNB Point of Sale (POS) platforms.”

“Acknowledging the evolving landscape of digital payments, we noticed that there has been a substantial increase in transaction volumes over the preceding years, and accordingly, our primary goal became to address the growing demand for digital transactions, thereby actively contributing to enhancing HNB’s presence in the e-commerce market. The strategic focus lies in meeting consumer needs while bolstering the bank’s competitiveness in the dynamic financial environment.”
